It has taken me about two months to figure out how I want to start my first post back on the blog. The reason for this is either the fear of not getting it right, fear of not knowing how to properly write blog posts anymore, or just my recent withdrawal from sharing things online – or no valid reason at all, lol
This evening, after a three-hour nap that made me miss an important work meeting (tbh, the sleep was so good, lol), I played a voice message from my friend who I was supposed to meet at a coffee shop today but my day had other plans for me – anyway back to the voice message. She talked about working on her website and a few other things. The main reason for bringing this up is, recently, I feel like I morphed into a new phase of my life, a new outlook on friendships, navigating a new phase of adulthood, lessons from therapy, etc and I have got so many things on my mind that I should write and share – you know, to find my tribe on here.
So after basically saying a big get the hell out of my head to overthinking what to write, I am here. I think i have figured it out.
Now that you’re here, I should warn you though – Some days, you will learn something from my posts, other days, you’ll just be reading all the pointless mumbo jumbos that go on in my mind.
It’s 8 pm in Dubai now and as I write this, my first baby, Cash is reaching for me to pick him up and my other baby, Penny is barking downstairs yearning for attention (or food). All of these mean mom duty calls.

I’m going to take my dogs on a walk now and feed them (I recently transitioned them to raw- food diet and omg they loveee – more on that later)
This is where I say bye for now and welcome you to Mimiejay.com 2.0