If you are familiar with the beauty industry and you don’t know Jackie Aina, we kinda need to send you packing.😆
Jk, but seriously, Aunty Jackie is literally the biggest international beauty influencer who is a woman of colour. She has become a voice of the black women when it comes to representation in the beauty industry, regardless of the consequence she is always willing to call out brands for their lack of diversity in their makeup on her social media platforms and YouTube channel; as a matter of fact has worked with some brands like Too Faced to expand their products range to cater for women of colour.
Being a YouTuber for over 10 years now with her spectacular personality, ‘Aunty Jackie’ is a nickname given to her by her fans including me, just because we have watched her for so many years, feel like we know her and in every sense of the word, she deserves to be our ‘auntie’. She’s without a doubt one of my top 10 favourite beauty influencers of all time.
In this post, I’ll be sharing 10 facts you may not know about our dear Jackie Aina.
1. Jackie Was A Member Of The US Army Reserve
Yes, Jackie Aina was in the United States Army Reserve for a long time. She studies medicine for two years in college, her father wanted her to be a medical doctor but Jackie Aina’s love for makeup superseded being a medical doctor. For many years, she combined being a YouTuber with her job in the Army and even did makeup tutorials on how to stay glam and remain within army dress code guidelines
2. She Is Currently Engaged
Yassss, Auntie Jackie is getting married. She’s finally getting married to Dennis, her boyfriend (now fiance) who she has been with since 2014. Dennis Asamoah is a Ghanaian born British motivational speaker and entrepreneur, he owns worksmarterlifestyle brand. He proposed to Jackie Aina on her 32nd birthday and we couldn’t be more excited.
Fun fact: Dennis learnt how to design a website just so he could create one for Jackie, how sweet.
3. Jackie Aina Has Been Married Before
I bet you didn’t know that aunty Jackie was married before in her early twenties. In 2009, when she was still in the military in Hawaii, she was living with her husband then. The marriage, however, didn’t work out, she said it was a miserable marriage, she wasn’t happy, hence the need for a divorce. Things worked out fine as we can see now.
4. She Suffers From Hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis is a genetic condition which brings about excessive sweating in some body parts. It can be a very intimidating condition, according to Jackie Aina, you feel like a prisoner in your own body. When she was younger she used to apply corn starch under her armpit as a way to control sweat there. Because of this condition, she has to discover the best kind of clothing to wear. She advises people with a similar condition to stick to clothes made with breathable fabric. You can watch her full confession on her Youtube channel.
5. The Ring From Her Previous Marriage Was Used As Down Payment For A Car
Jackie Aina has done a very great job at keeping details of her previous marriage private but this we know, she sold the ring and used it as a down payment for a car. I like!
6. Her Parents Wanted Her To become A Medical doctor
Jackie Aina’s father wanted her to become a successful doctor. Out of respect for her parents’ desire, she went ahead to study medicine in college although she didn’t complete the course, she did it for just two years and went to study a course related to beauty instead. She followed her passion for beauty and makeup and that has brought her immense success in the industry.
7. She’s The Eldest Of Six Siblings
Jackie was born in Los Angeles, into a family of 8. She has 6 siblings but has revealed the identity just 2 sisters to the public. She is the eldest of the 6 children.
8. Her YouTube Intro Song Is From An Old Rapper’s Record
Jackie Aina’s famous YouTube intro which she never fails to do and give us some dance steps to was gotten from Jacki-O and the Ying Ying twins’ old twerking record.
“Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie”… Yass.
Jackie I’m sure a lot of people don’t know this. Don’t worry I didn’t know initialy too.
9. Jackie Aina’s Net Worth is $600,000
According to YouTubers.me, Jackie Aina’s estimated net worth is $600,000. She has over 3 million subscribers on YouTube, Ans has a very decent amount of view per video. Her videos get about 180k views daily, money from ads included, she gets around or more than $720 every day. Asides from ads on YouTube videos, she also gets deals and sponsorship from different brands in the beauty industry. Combining her wealth with that of Dennis, they both have an estimated net worth of three million dollars.
10. She’s Friends With Alissa Ashley In Real LIfe
Alissa speaks about Jackie Aina often, so does her sister Arnell Armon. Jackie Aina speaks about them too and you’ll know for sure that they are friends. There are pictures on Alissa’s Instagram page taken at Jackie’s house. Jackie also got Alissa telescopic camera lens for her birthday.
Aunty Jackie for more than 10 years has made her way up the beauty rank and I believe she’s not going down anytime soon.
That’s it darlings, I hope I have been able to bring you a little closer to Jackie Aina via this post.
Thanks for reading, I’ll see you in my next one.