Really, is the internet even complete without beauty bloggers? You know damn right that your weekend isn’t complete if you haven’t checked out a recent post from your favourite beauty inflencers either on youtube or their blog posts. You can’t wait to watch them rave about a makeup product or show you makeup techniques that they are currently in love with.
There are so so so many makeup blogs on the internet each with it’s own lovely content however there are some people I absolutely believe you should be following. In this post, I shared top ten beauty bloggers you really should following
1. Mimie Jay
First off, I’ll tell you I’m number one on this list. I’m not ‘number one’…but I am. Honestly though, why aren’t you following me? Put your email in and hit the ‘subscribe’ button at the end of this post if for some reason you haven’t and I promise you won’t regret it. There’s also links to all of my social media pages right above the subscribe option and I recommend you head on over to that as soon as possible.
With that out of the way, let’s delve into the others. These people are people who have decided to delve into the world of giving others valuable information as regards attaining and maintaining their beauty. Either in text or videos – maybe even both – these people share with the world what they have learnt from personal experiences and sometimes, surveys they carried out. If you’re looking for who turn to when you don’t know which way to turn in the journey that is beauty, here are the people to show you the way.
2. Juliette Samuel
Juliette Samuels is the founder of Nyrajuskincare.com. As was said earlier, the people on this list decided that they wanted to help people with respect to beauty. Juliette says in her blog that she was looking for information and products that would help her with issues she was having with beauty as a black woman when she found other women who were too.
She realised that beauty and its products -especially black beauty- wasn’t well represented in the market and were barely effective. She started to search for solutions to this problem black women were facing and the blog happened. Not only did the blog happen, but she also went into making these beauty products for more effectiveness.
3. Sam And Nic Chapman
Remember Real Technques? The brand that makes those brushes and beauty sponges with amazing quality ? Yeah. The Chapman sisters are the owner of Real Techniques and the owner of Pixiwoos.com as well. They are known for their video tutorials and their beyond insightful posts. They have quite experience in the beauty world hence, their word concerning beauty is basically law.
4. Jackie Aina
This Nigerian-American beauty YouTuber is making more than waves. With over 229 million views, she uses her influence to advocate for visibility of people of colour in the cosmetic industry.
5. Lisa Eldridge
Given all of her work with red carpet A-listers and the faces of beauty brands, if you want to know how to look like all of your TV favourites, Lisaeldridge.com has all the videos to help you.
6. Monica Veloz
Up for a quick lesson in Spanish while also learning how to glam? Then I don’t see why you haven’t subscribed to MonicaStyle Muse YouTube channel.
7. Fleur De Force
Fleur owns fleurdeforce.com. When it comes to juiciest beauty secrets and hacks, eave no beauty stone unturned so for the, I recommend you head on over to her site.
8. Jade Kendle
Jade Kendle, also known as lipstickncurls is living proof of her own proficiency. Her curls are enough proof that when it comes to looking good, she can make it happen.
9. Patricia Bright
Patricia Bright is a major beauty and lifestyle influencer, she has a youtube and a blog patriciabright.co.uk . Patricia gives absolutely detailed posts coupled with the super glam looks on her page. The insightful YouTube videos she puts out is also enough reason to follow her.
10. Shirley Beniang
Shirley Beniang is the owner of shirleyswardrobe.com
Although at first it seems like Shirley is all about the fashion, if you look closer, there’s a lot of beauty tricks and tips to be learned from her.
All of the beauties mentioned above are full of insight and value with regard to looking like the queen you are so now that all is said – and practically done -, why don’t you head on over to check them out and let me know what you think!