Bacne? What is that? Well, That’s the question, isn’t it?
I’m certain everyone knows what ’ACNE’ is. Simply put, it’s what happens when hair follicles get oil a dead skin cells stuck in then. It tortured most of as we were growing up and sadly, it’s still torturing one of us now. Acne causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and pus-filled spots.
See: Best Recommended Skin-Care Products To Fight Acne
Now, what happens when you take the pesky outbreak of pimples called acne and you put them on the one place your hands can barely reach? Where would that be? Of course, it’s the back.
Bacne, to cut the long story short, is back acne.
Yup! Pores and follicles at your back get clogged too. Although bacne isn’t as common as regular acne, it’s still a very rampant case. This case is characterised by all the basic acne characteristics including red spots and scars. Keep in mind that there are levels to acne – or bacne in this case. It can range from mild to stage 4 acne which is severe and characterised by many spots or cysts.
Causes Of Bacne | Back Pimples
It’s main cause? Life. It happens as a form of Puberty phase or, as an adult, it’s just your body going about its daily routine especially if your someone with oil-producing glands particularly sensitive to certain hormones. The glands, sometimes, produce excess oil when levels of these hormones rise. While this happens, there’s also a chance that your body is shedding old and dead skin. The dead skin that isn’t properly shed gets caught up with the oil and clogs the follicles. Most times, this is the genesis of acne.
Another commonly known cause of bacne is habits from a person’s lifestyle. A person who works out often or does a labour intensive job resulting in a lot of sweat is prone to bacne. This is because sweat if left on the skin for too long, can cause breakouts and bacne.
There is certain bacteria on the skin which, typically, is harmless but when the oil builds up, tan environment for this bacteria to multiply is created. This is what leads to the inflammation of those parts of the skin and red spots.
Contrary to popular belief, the British Association of Dermatologists says that there is little or no link between certain foods and acne. The American Association of Dermatologists, on the other hand, say that certain carbohydrates which are mostly found in white bread and potato chips increase blood sugar levels and this is a potential trigger for acne.
In summary, Acne and/or Bacne is just your skin misbehaving and although there isn’t a one cure for acne, there are things that you can do to make it better.
How To Treat Or Prevent Bacne | Pimples On The Back
1. Using Topical Creams
These are usually the first go-to for people. Over the counter medication is enough for mild cases. A product that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid is recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology. Remember to apply the medication to the entire back rather than just affected areas and in 4-8 weeks, you should have better skin.
2. Skin Care Routines | Good Hygiene
Have your bath after every day, wear clean clothes, change your bed sheets often and make sure you have a showeer after workout or any activity that makes you sweat
Certain habits like washing after sweating, applying non-abrasive cleanser with the fingers, not scrubbing affected areas, not popping or picking or squeezing the spots and others help control the spread of the bacne, reduce the risk of scarring, and, sometimes, might even eradicate it completely.
RELATED: How I Cleared My Acne In One Month – My Skincare Routine (Video)
3. Eating Healthy
Cut down on dairy, sugary foods and always drink lots of water.
Since breakouts will inevitably happen, your goal should be to reduce the effects of these breakouts when they pop up. Develop a good lifestyle as explained in 1-3 above and you’ll notice a tremendous decrease in your bacne over time. Bacne can prove to be more stubborn than acne so you need to give it and your body a lot of time.
In conclusion, Bacne really, isn’t anything to be worried so much about at least not in when it isn’t the severe one. If you have severe bacne, probably hormonal one, make sure to see a dermatologist that woud tell you how best to deal with it and also prescribe drugs and\or creams for you.